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Consistent with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal's August 15, 2024 order in Nguyen, et al. v. Bonta et al., DOJ has modified the DES to allow users to place multiple firearms in the pending cart and submit them to DOJ in the same transaction. Additionally, dealers are advised not to select any option in the 30-day restriction exemption drop down field within DES, as that selection is not currently necessary in most cases. However, the system will require a 30-day exemption reason if the customer is using a waiting period exemption. The DOJ is actively working to resolve this issue.
Non-Liability: The Department of Justice (Department) is not responsible for and will not have liability for hardware, software, information, or other items or any services provided by any persons other than the Department. Except as may be required by law, in no event shall either party be liable to the other or any third party, under any theory of liability, including, but not limited to, any contract or tort claim for any cause whatsoever, for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, including loss of revenue or profits, even if aware of the possibility.
Authorization: I am a licensed firearms dealer Certificate of Eligibility (COE) Holder, authorized associate, authorized account associate, or salesperson of the firearms dealer, or an ammunition vendor, authorized ammunition vendor associate, authorized ammunition vendor account associate, or ammunition vendor salesperson, or a firearm precursor part vendor, authorized firearm precursor part vendor associate, authorized firearm precursor part vendor account associate, or firearm precursor part salesperson, and am authorized to use DES on behalf of the firearms dealer, ammunition vendor, or firearm precursor part vendor.
Access: The acquisition and maintenance of the device and software used to access the internet and interface with DES shall be the responsibility of each firearms dealer or ammunition vendor, or firearm precursor part vendor.
Each authorized associate, authorized account associate, or salesperson shall request and use their own DES account after the Dealer COE Holder or ammunition vendor, or firearm precursor part vendor has granted authorization. The DES enables the Dealer COE Holder or ammunition vendor, or firearm precursor part vendor to authorize the functions each user is able to access.
Confidentiality and Unauthorized Use: It is the responsibility of the user and the firearms dealer or ammunition vendor, or firearm precursor part vendor to protect the confidentiality of the individual password selected by each user to access DES.
If a Dealer COE Holder, authorized associate, authorized account associate, or salesperson, or ammunition vendor, authorized ammunition vendor associate, authorized ammunition vendor account associate, or ammunition vendor salesperson, or a firearm precursor part vendor, authorized firearm precursor part vendor associate, authorized firearm precursor part vendor account associate, or firearm precursor part salesperson, becomes aware that an unauthorized user has obtained access to DES, they must notify Customer Support Center immediately. Contact information is available upon logging into the DES account. Notwithstanding such notification, the Department shall not be liable for transaction charges fraudulently incurred on a DES account. It is the dealer's or ammunition vendor's, or firearm precursor part vendor's responsibility to pay these transaction charges.
Transactions Involving Multiple Firearms (Firearms Dealers Only): A transaction means a single sale, transfer, or loan of any number of firearms to one person at the same time. It is the responsibility of the user to indicate that a transaction consists of more than one firearm while entering Dealer Record of Sale (DROS) information for submission to the Department. If the user does not indicate that the transaction consists of more than one firearm prior to submission, another DROS fee will be required for the additional firearms.
Upon submission of a DROS, the fee will be charged to the dealer's account. The Department will not provide refunds after submission and acceptance of a DROS.
True and Accurate Information: All of the information I submit to the Department through DES shall be true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge.